We Need a Break

07 Mar

It’s been quite a while since we took any time off, and I think Esa and I could both use some free time. So, what are we going to do with all that free time? Well, Esa will do a ton of playing, I’m sure, but we’re also wanting to do lots of read alouds. Here’s some of what we’ll be reading:

The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman


The Usborne Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece. Esa’s loving this book. We’ve been reading a little each day. I was going to just read a few sections, but he wants to read through all 140 pages.

Heidi. I love Heidi. I read it for the first time about a year ago and I think it’s one of the most heart-warming stories I’ve ever read. I can’t wait to share this book with Esa.


D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths. Esa has really loved reading Greek Myths. Our library has a few versions, but he’s wanting a book of his own that we can pick up anytime to read. So I chose an edition that the library does not have, and one that many have raved about.


We read this excellent version of Aesop’s Fables last week, and Esa loved it. We also own the Milo Winter edition, which we  may read from, or may we may listen to the accompanying CD, this coming week.


For my birthday this year, I got several DVD’s, and I’m hoping to watch one or two of them:

Emma. This was on television a few months back, and initially I didn’t like Romola Garai’s portrayal of Emma, but after a while I warmed to her.


Northanger Abbey. I really enjoyed this book. It’s quite different from Jane Austen’s other novels and I’m really looking forward to watching this one.


Persuasion. For me, the movie adaptations have been a gateway to the novels. That normally isn’t true, but with Jane Austen it is. I have tried reading Persuasion a few times, but I keep putting it down. I’m hoping after I watch this film the book will be more approachable.


Coraline. I’ve seen this movie already, but I love it. The book is written by the same author as The Wolves in the Walls, and The Graveyard Book which I’m hoping to read soon.


I’ve also got a ton of reading I want to do, too. I’ve started reading The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series. I’ve really enjoyed these fun, lively, warm books, although at times they’re a bit predictable, but in a fun, “I know what’s going on here!” kind of way.

This book has been sitting on the table, calling out to me every day. But I just haven’t had the time to sit with it do the necessary poring over it that it needs. I’m hoping to work on it this week.


I love Wuthering Heights. I read it in school ages ago, and I’m wanting to read it again. The verion pictured is fabulous. It’s a pocket-sized book with an attached ribbon bookmark. It fits so nicely in the hand! I have the complete works of Jane Austen in the same format.


Art. I’m quickly becoming addicted to art. I get so immersed it in that I’m totally unaware of what’s going on around me. I lose all track of time. I love it, and I’m hoping to do some sketching this week.

If the weather’s decent, I plan to get out into the garden and do some diggin’ and sowin’.

And we have plans to make a gingerbread Parthenon. Yeah.

To be honest, a week just isn’t enough to do all I want to do. I just know I’m going to get sidetracked with housework and other duties. Argh! I will try my best to make the most of it.  Chances are good we’ll have a few days of some of the above, and a few days of not going much, which is important, too. We all need time when there’s nothing to do. It is, after all, free time.


2 responses to “We Need a Break

  1. Sparklee

    March 8, 2010 at 2:16 am

    I have Keeping a Nature Journal, too, and like you, I haven’t had the time to get into it. Now that spring is finally on the way, I really want to start a nature journal with my kids!

    Thanks for the good book recommendations!


  2. whimsyway

    March 8, 2010 at 7:19 am

    Hi Sparklee, Thanks for the comment. I’ve just checked out your blog; looks fun! 🙂


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